Well it's started - the 56th BFI London Film festival and I've managed to see some movies. One that sticks out so far is South Korean sci-fi flick Doomsday Book. As the name suggests it's all about the end of the world. To be precise this is actually three short films, each taking their own idiosyncratic view of the earth and mankind and how they might come to their untimely end.
What struck me about this is that it's really a very strange idea and not one that would possible get the green light in say the UK or the US. It is eccentric and does not compromise on quality - in fact it seems to have a decent special effects budget. For what would be an "indie" flick here in the west, it has high production values, however stomach churning some of it may be (one thing you have to appreciate is the Korean preoccupation with body fluids and viscera. Only in Korean films have I seen someone do a poo into the camera (The Isle, 2000), or eat a live octopus (Oldboy, 2003)
Doomsday book has zombies, a robot who claims to be Buddha and a magic eight ball like no other. Even if you don't like it you have to admire the bravery of film makers and backers who would give this a go.
Here's my review...click here to find the review at totalspecapps.co.uk
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