My Brother the Devil

My Brother the Devil (15)

Interestingly where Spike Island failed to include enough grit for my taste, instead relying on way too much light hearted humour, My Brother the Devil, a movie about teenage gangsters in East London has more grit than a Hackney pavement.
Mo (Fady Elsayed) and Rashid (James Floyd)
This is a film that always takes itself seriously, its humour dark and born out of the characters, their peculiarities and their circumstances. When it comes it has bite.

Anyway, I've now seen Beasts of the Southern Wild. Both films in the running for the First Feature Award in the London Film Festival. My Brother impressed me, but I can't help feeling that Beasts will sneak the prize.

Click here to read a review of My Brother for Total:Spec. It's not a film to be missed, especially the performances.



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